As of 12am midnight EST our first ever reading period has closed for submissions.

Thank you to everyone who sent in work. We’ve received an overwhelming amount of poetry and we’ll be doing our best in the coming days to get back to you with a response. In the meantime, please accept our deepest gratitude. – The team.


The past few months have been an incredible learning process for me. I have sat with a notebook in my lap gathering extensive notes on basic HTML and CSS coding. I have talked to, texted, emailed, tweeted, tumblred, and gushed about this “new project.” I have sat up late into the nights reading poems from people living all over the world and I have cried, laughed, rolled my eyes, and cried some more. Thank you seems like an underwhelming and cliche thing to say; but the fact is that Ghost House Review started as a little idea and in a few months grew into an overflowing inbox. So thank you. All of you! I hope more than anything that the first issue will be nothing short of wonderful. Goodness knows this process sure has been. And it’s only just the beginning. – The Editor.

Welcome to the Ghost House

It looks like we’re T-minus 2 months away from publishing our very first issue! (October 2013) So far, we’ve got a really great line-up of contributors and we can’t wait to share their incredible work with the world. 

If you’d like to submit poetry of any kind please check out our submission guidelines. Our reading period closes September 30, 2013.

P.S. – You can also follow us on twitter & tumblr.